National Cultural Agency of PDI Perjuangan develops and preserves Indonesia’s Culture and Traditions
The term "history" originates from the Arabic word "syajaratun," which means tree. The use of this word in a historical context refers to a family tree.
Culture is a complex system that encompasses knowledge, beliefs, moral artistry, law, customs, abilities, and habits acquired by humans as members of society.
Belief means acknowledging the honesty and ability of someone to truly fulfill expectations.
Eminent and renowned individual in the fields of politics, culture, and the like.
Cultural Heritage
In general, culture can be defined as a way of life found within a group of people that has developed and been passed down from generations
Indonesia is a diverse archipelagic country consisting of 38 provinces spread across islands, with hundreds of native traditions and cultural tribes
Towards Indonesian Cultural HeritageData from Directorate General of Culture RI
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Indonesia’s public holidays and cultural commemoratives
Develops and Promotes traditional culture, art and customs, and local products across Indonesia to cultivate national pride and identity. Develops culture towards modern and progressive civilisation and strengthens nationalism.
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